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This is a brilliant essay about the disaster of socialized education. Socializing any market leads to lower standards, poor quality, unionization, and ultimately bankruptcy. The spends more dollars capital on children's education than any other state in the world, usually by a factor of wholesale women's bags times more than other nations, and yet over the past 30 years standards, quality, and rational intelligence have declined and been compromised. The socialists demand more money of course and more rules,metric, more graduates, and no child left behind another legacy of the Bush system of socialization. If money was the issue, then the US would have the world's best elementary and high school system. It doesn't. Unions, spending, rigidity, 'standards' both local and national which don't measure much of anything or where teachers teach to the test [and of course make sure that global wholesale women's handbags .Warming and homosexuality are thoroughly presented in every class]; along with the endless bureaucratization of every single educational process, are some of the reasons why the US system is such a bloody disaster. The ones hurt most by this fiasco are the poor, and those households living in bad school districts. No choice, no competition, no price points always means a disaster.
Suppose that groceries were supplied in the same way as education. Residents of cheap wholesale bags each county would pay taxes on their properties. Nearly half of those tax revenues would then be spent by government officials to build and operate supermarkets. Each family would be assigned to a particular supermarket according to its home address. And each family would get its weekly allotment of groceries for free from its neighborhood public supermarket.

